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  • Hosted by
  • Endorsed by
Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2024 The Lotte Hotel Jeju island, South Korea August 19-23, 2024 MCARE 2024


Session Grid

* Symposium Grid is subject to change.

August 19(MON)

August 19 (MON)
Time Time Registration Crystal Ballroom 1 Crystal Ballroom 2 Crystal Ballroom 3 Foyer / Emerald Charlotte Pearl Ruby Emerald
210 140 210 140 70 70 60 Poster
13:00~13:30 30 Registration
Opening Ceremony
13:30~14:10 30 Plenary Lecture 1
14:10~14:50 40 Plenary Lecture 2
14:50~15:20 40 Coffee Break
15:20~17:20 120 Symposium 2 Symposium 4 Symposium 1 Exhibition Symposium 6 Symposium 9

August 20(TUE)

August 20 (TUE)
Time Time Registration Crystal Ballroom 1 Crystal Ballroom 2 Crystal Ballroom 3 Foyer / Emerald Charlotte Pearl Ruby Emerald
210 140 210 140 70 70 60 Poster
09:00~10:00 60 Registration
Symposium 2 Symposium 4 Symposium 1 Exhibition Symposium 7 Symposium 6 Symposium 9
10:00~11:00 60
11:00~12:00 60
12:00~13:30 90 Lunch
13:30~14:30 60 Symposium 2 Symposium 4 Symposium 1 Exhibition Symposium 7 Symposium 6 Symposium 8 Poster Presentation 1
(Sym. 1, 7, 9)
14:30~15:30 60
15:30~16:00 30 Coffee Break
16:00~17:00 60 Symposium 2 Symposium 4 Symposium 3 Exhibition Symposium 7 Symposium 6 Symposium 8
17:00~18:00 60

August 21(WED)

August 21 (WED)
Time Time Registration Crystal Ballroom 1 Crystal Ballroom 2 Crystal Ballroom 3 Foyer / Emerald Charlotte Pearl Ruby Emerald
210 140 210 140 70 70 60 Poster
09:00~10:00 60 Registration
Symposium 2 Symposium 4 Symposium 1 Exhibition Symposium 5 Symposium 6 Symposium 8
10:00~10:50 50
10:50~11:20 30 Coffee Break
11:20~12:00 40 Plenary Lecture 3
12:00~13:30 90 Lunch
13:30~14:10 40 Plenary Lecture 4
14:10~14:40 30 Coffee Break
14:40~15:00 20 Symposium 2 Symposium 4 Symposium 1 Exhibition Symposium 5 Symposium 3 Symposium 8 Poster Presentation 2
(Sym. 4, 5, 6, 8)
15:00~16:00 60
16:00~17:00 60 Banquet Setting
17:00~18:00 60
18:00~20:00 120 Banquet

August 22(THU)

August 22 (THU)
Time Time Registration Crystal Ballroom 1 Crystal Ballroom 2 Crystal Ballroom 3 Foyer / Emerald Charlotte Pearl Ruby Emerald
210 140 210 140 70 70 60 Poster
09:00~10:00 60 Registration
Symposium 2 Symposium 1 Exhibition Symposium 5 Symposium 3
10:00~11:00 60
11:00~12:00 60
12:00~13:30 90 Lunch
13:30~14:30 60 Symposium 2 Exhibition Symposium 5 Symposium 3 Poster Presentation 3
(Sym., 2, 3)
14:30~15:30 60
15:30~16:00 30 Coffee Break
16:00~17:00 60 Symposium 2 Exhibition Symposium 3
17:00~18:00 60

August 23(FRI)

August 23 (FRI)
Time Time Registration Crystal Ballroom 1 Crystal Ballroom 2 Crystal Ballroom 3 Foyer / Emerald Charlotte Pearl Ruby Emerald
210 140 210 140 70 70 60 Poster
10:00~11:00 60 - Panel Discussion (draft) Exhibition Symposium 8
11:00~12:00 60
12:00~13:00 60


MCARE 2024 Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2024
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SECRETARIAT      Address: KIChE / 5F, 119 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (02856), Korea     E-Mail : secretariat@mcare2024.org
Program      Tel : +82-2-6956-8139     Registration : +82-2-6487-8156    
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