본문으로 이동
  • Hosted by
  • Endorsed by
Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2024 The Lotte Hotel Jeju island, South Korea August 19-23, 2024 MCARE 2024



Hosted by

  • The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE)

Organized by

  • Materials Division, KIChE
  • The American Ceramic Society (ACerS)

Co-organized by

  • Chonnam National University LINC3.0 Project Group
  • Graduate education program for world-class chemical engineers with social consciousness
  • Jeonbuk National University, BK21 Four Education and Research Center for Semiconductor and Chemical Engineering
  • Kangwon National University Infrastructure Program for Smart Characterization of Regional Base (KNU IP-SCRB)
  • Key Research Institutes in Universities (KNRF) Energy and Environmental Research Institute
  • Research Center for Carbon-zero Green Ammonia Cycling (RCCGAC)
  • Korea Institute of Energy Technology


MCARE 2024 Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2024
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SECRETARIAT      Address: KIChE / 5F, 119 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (02856), Korea     E-Mail : secretariat@mcare2024.org
Program      Tel : +82-2-6956-8139     Registration : +82-2-6487-8156    
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