본문으로 이동
  • Hosted by
  • Endorsed by
Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2024 The Lotte Hotel Jeju island, South Korea August 19-23, 2024 MCARE 2024


Registration Guide

Registration Fee (USD / KRW)

On or Before
June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024
KIChE or ACerS Member $750 / KRW 800,000 $850 / KRW 900,000
Keynote and Invited Speakers $750 / KRW 800,000 $850 / KRW 900,000
Nonmember $850 / KRW 900,000 $950 / KRW 1,000,000
Student $300 / KRW 350,000 $350 / KRW 400,000
One Day $500 / KRW 550,000 $650 / KRW 700,000
Spouse/Children $150 $150
  • Invited speakers who have already paid on a regular, non-member rate will receive $100 refund.
  • If there is any food preference (vegetarian, no pork, no beef, or no sea food), please email the personal preference to secretariat@mcare2024.org by by Aug. 1, with your name, abstract number and symposium number
    (otherwise, standard menu will be offered to participants.)


Credit Card
[ International participants : Credit Card (USD) ]
  • Participants wishing to make card payment can settle the payment via online.
  • MCARE 2024 provide payment method as following. "Eximbay" (USD)
[ Domestic participants : 내국인 카드 결제 (KRW) ]
  • 사전등록 양식을 작성 완료 하신후, 곧바로 온라인 카드결제가 가능합니다. (국내 발행 카드)
  • 사전등록 양식 작성 후 바로 결제하지 못하신 분은, 추후 등록비 납부기간 내에 "Registration Check" 에 접속하여 등록에 대한 온라인 카드 결제를 이어 하실 수 있습니다.
  • * 본 웹사이트는 NHN KCP 전자 결제 시스템을 이용하고 있습니다.
  • ** 신용카드 결제시 계산서는 발행되지 않습니다. 신용카드 영수증을 이용하시면 됩니다.
Bank transfer to :
[ Domestic participants (KRW) ]
  • Bank Name : 우리은행
  • Account No : 230-035442-13-001
  • Account Name : (사)한국화학공학회
  • * The transfer must be made under the registrant’s name only and the name must be stated on the receipt.
  • * Bank charges for remittance should be paid by registrants.
  • * Please make sure to send the receipt by e-mail after the bank transfer.

Cancellation and Refund

  • Cancellation received before July 1, 2024: Refund (100% - Service charge USD 50)
  • Cancellation received on or after July 1, 2024: No Refund

MCARE 2024 Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2024
Term of Use Privacy Policy
SECRETARIAT      Address: KIChE / 5F, 119 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (02856), Korea     E-Mail : secretariat@mcare2024.org
Program      Tel : +82-2-6956-8139     Registration : +82-2-6487-8156    
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